Why crows gather around their dead

As long as I’ve been interested in crows, I’ve wondered the same thing that many other people who study or simply enjoy crows have wondered; why do they gather so predictably around their dead?  It’s with great pleasure that this week not only do I get to address this question, but I get to do so with my own research, which was recently published in Animal Behaviour.  Banished are the days of cagey descriptions of my work and results, the peer review process has finally green-lighted full disclosure.

Anecdotes of crows’ attraction to their dead have long been documented and accounts usually go something like this: a dead crow is observed laying in the grass and other crows, sometimes an individual, sometimes a large group, are perched nearby silently or very raucously.  People have reported that sometimes these onlookers stay for minutes, sometimes days.  So what are we to make of this?  Well it could be explained a number of ways:

  • Maybe it’s purely coincidental, the crows have no idea there’s a dead crow on the ground.  Anyone who has observed this event in action, of course, will know that this explanation seems unlikely, but from a scientific perspective, we’ve also been able to invalidate it through previous experiments on corvids1,2,3.  So we can pretty safely ex-nay that explanation.
  • Maybe they gather because it’s a foraging opportunity.  Well, as far as we know crows rarely cannibalize each other, and even if they did, they probably wouldn’t be simultaneously scolding.  So this also seems like an unworthy hypothesis.
  • Maybe they’re experiencing a deep sense of mourning and have come together to grieve and pay their respects.  Having spent as much time around crows as I have, I hold little doubt that they have emotional intelligence.  But testing this scientifically remains problematic because there’s still no way we can truly know what’s happening on an emotional level in an animal’s head.  We’ve tried4, using noninvasive brain imagining (invasive meaning lethal or surgical), but this method is imperfect and while it can tell us the parts of the brain used, it still doesn’t tell us what they’re thinking or feeling.  So for now, the question of crows and grief remains open (scientifically anyway).
  • Which brings us to danger learning.  If I were to find a dead person in the woods I might be feeling sad but I’d also be alarmed and likely looking for the cause of death to make sure I’m not next.   Perhaps the crows are doing the same thing; looking for the source of danger and remembering key elements of the experience that will help keep them safe in the future.

Previous experiments in jays1, crows2 and ravens3, suggested that danger learning is likely a key motivator behind these gatherings since corvid effigies can be an effective deterrent, a fact that is old hat to many farmers.   So I wanted to look at this question with a little more nuance and ask, 1) whether crows would avoid food in areas previously associated with crow death, 2) could they learn new predators (i.e specific people) they see near dead crows, 3) for how long will they remember these people and, 4) how do these same responses compare if we substitute a “dead” crow for a “live” familiar predator.

A volunteer demonstrates the one of the experimental set-ups. A masked person holds a “dead” crow. In the following days we looked for changes in latency to approach the food. A week later this same masked person would reappear and we would see how the birds responded to them.

To do this I would locate a territorial pair and feed them for 3 days.  This would give me a baseline of their feeding behavior and allow me to say, “on average, crows take x minutes to arrive at a fresh food pile.”  Then I would introduce one of my three dangerous scenarios: a masked person holding a dead crow, a masked person standing near perched hawk, and a masked person standing near a perched hawk with a dead crow.  In all these cases the birds were taxidermy-prepared mounts.  In a handful of cases (4 to be exact) the birds simply observed the scene in silence and left.  In most other cases however, the response was pretty stereotyped; the discovering bird (usually the territory holder) would scold and typically attract 5-11 additional birds.  The mob would stick around for 10-20 minutes, scolding loudly and gradually growing more silent and dispersing before all but the territory holders were left.  Exposure to the dangerous stimuli would only last 30min, after which they were removed.  I found that crows responded most strongly when they saw a person and a hawk with a dead crow as opposed to a person holding a dead crow or a person near a hawk.  This tells us that context matters, and crows are most sensitive to dead crows when they’re with familiar predators.

Following this event, for the next three days I would continue feeding the birds.  By doing this I was able to test if exposure to the dead crow, hawk, or hawk with dead crow would make them act differently in the area, despite the presence of their favorite food.  Spoiler alert, it did!  While the crows usually approached the food it would take about 15-30min longer than it used to.  This suggests that dead crows are used, in part, to assess that an area is dangerous, and that this information is retained and used for future decisions about spatial use.

The last question was if and for how long they would remember that masked person associated with the dangerous event.  Provided the birds had scolded them in the first place, a week after the main experiment wrapped up, I would reintroduce the dangerous person.  I found that, of birds that were administered this test (N=84) the majority of them remembered and scolded the person.   Even after 6 week, 38% of the 65 pairs eligible for all 6 tests continued to respond to the ‘dangerous’ person.  It’s incredibly cool to me that crows cannot only learn new predators based on their proximity to dead crows but to other predators and remember them for so long.  It’s really amazing.  Crows are likely learning and remembering an incredible number of humans faces over their lifetime.

So why do crows gather around their dead, according to the best available science?  At least in part, it’s to learn about dangerous places and new predators.  Could there be other, more emotionally intelligent reasons?  Sure.  Scientists simply haven’t devised a way to address that yet, but we’re trying to think of ways to do so that are minimally invasive.  Until then, I know there are many folks out there who need no scientific evidence to believe that that’s precisely what’s going on and I see no reason studies like this should disabuse them of that belief.  Studies of animal emotions are the next frontier and I couldn’t be more excited to watch crows continue to blow people away.

To read the scientific article in full, which covers the many additional elements of this experiment, click here.

Thank you to GO who was one of my original test subjects and who continues to be a regular source of friendship and delight.
Thank you to GO who was one of my original test subjects and who continues to be a regular source of friendship and delight.

Literature cited

  1. Iglesias, T.L., McElreath, R., & Patricelli. G.L. (2012) Western scrub-jay funerals: cacophonous aggregations in response to dead conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 84: 1103-1111.
  2. Avery M.L., Tillman E.A., & Humphrey J.S. (2008) Effigies for dispersing urban crow roosts. Proceedings of the 23rd Vertebrate Pest Conference. Davis, CA: University of California, Davis: 84–87
  3. Peterson, S. & Colwell, M. (2014) Experimental evidence that effigies reduce corvid occurrence. Northwest Naturalist 95: 103-112.
  4. Cross, D.J., Marzluff, J.M., Palmquist, I., Minoshima, S., Shimizu, T., & Miyaoka, R. (2013) Distinct neural circuits underlie assessment of a diversity of natural dangers by American crows. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. 280: 20131046


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28 responses to “Why crows gather around their dead

  1. K.

    There may be two responses at play here: the danger response and/ or one of mourning. On a few occasions, my elderly mom and I would go for a walk in the neighborhood, and a gathering of many crows would cover the roofs surrounding us. This was a couple of blocks from our house at the end of a cul de sac where we would do a turn-around to go back home. We found this raucous display remarkable!
    When my mom eventually passed, she left our house late in the evening. The following morning, I looked outside and the entire front lawn was carpeted in silent crows… a breathtaking tribute to my amazing mom!

  2. Pingback: Why crows gather around their dead | Corvid Research

  3. wonderful story!… first I have heard of birds mourning human…. they can be so kind and loving…..she must have been special to them….. I have been observing (not studying) birds for a few years now and I’ve noticed how much they don’t let us see…. the studies are wonderful but I think they will always have ways to hide what they don’t want to show us…….

    • K.

      I agree with you that the crows saw something very special in my mom. Animals were very attracted to her, and she had a deep empathy for them. Years before, at her beachside home, Mom fed a female seagull twice a day, for 22 years. Mom named her Chi and she was (as Mom put it) the ‘Matriarch of the Beach’. Chi was a beautiful, strong bird who had several offspring over the years. I think Mom took special delight that no males would challenge her neighbourhood status… Chi was the boss, definitely!

  4. Congratulations on your paper, which I’ll read with interest.

    Anecdotally and unscientifically, I know some hooded crows who seemed to respond to the deaths of other species of birds. Seemed, at least. I feed the crows daily, near my physics department. This campus is teeming with feral cats, so I mostly lay the crows’ food in high places. However, after the juvenile is full from the main course, s/he usually lands on the ground, approaches me, and expects me to throw grapes, as if we’re playing a friendly ball-game.

    Around 10th August, somebody put a heap of seeds on the ground in the crows’ play / feeding area, and this attracted a small invasion of pigeons, Eurasian jays, and smaller birds. Hungry cats exploited the newcomers, and left pieces of at least one pigeon and one jay (by 12th August). From that time, the crows stopped landing on the ground during feeding, and they were quick and furtive about collecting food from from the higher platforms. I could not entice the youngster into grape games (usually his/her instigation) even when I rolled out a few preliminary grapes. (Perhaps s/he ought to be cautious, since recovering from foot / leg lacerations from a probable cat attack.) IIRC, “my” crows took about a few more days to resume normal mealtime behaviour.

    I admit that I’m unsure what exactly affected the crows. I didn’t witness the killings of the birds on the seed pile. I don’t know whether the crows watched the killings happen, or just saw the debris. They’re quite vigilant about cats, since they’re stalked almost every day, and they emit specific alarms and scolding calls for specific cats. Maybe they were more afraid of the cats’ increased presence than by the dead birds’ body parts?

    • Curtis, I’ll be interested to see if your take on this anecdote is any different after reading the paper in full. It may not, but let me know if it’s helpful!

      • Bhagyashree

        A very good research article and I thank you for sharing it for everyone to read. I could get answers to many of my queries. However there is one particular situation I’m currently experiencing and I really don’t know what best can be the solution. There is a crow pair I used to feed in my backyard. Based on the description in your article they might be ravens. Fully black and larger than normal crows. One of them died two days ago. I did observe s/he sat unusually quiet on the custard-apple tree next to the small temple in my baĺcony. The next morning I saw her/him dead beneath the tree. Few crows had gathered around. They were clearly observing the corpse while making loud calls. I waited for some time and then in order to save the corpse from cats and fellow humans I dug a small pit at the same location and burried the crow in it. I covered the pit with soil and some flowers. It was sad to loose a friend I saw in that crow. Little did I realise that that was not the end of the episode. Now since last two days I can see the other one of the pair seems to be in distress. S/he is constantly panning the whole area while making loud calls as if s/he may be looking for her/his lost partner. Now I wonder if the dead one should have been burried. I really wonder what can be done to solace the distressed crow. I tried offering their favourite food but I can see s/he has not been feeding since last two days. Is there any thing you can suggest? What this crow might be feeling? Is there anything I can do to help the crow?

      • I’m sorry to hear that you lost one of the birds you’d grown fond of. Unfortunately, there’s nothing you can do. The mate will go through a period of loss (is it grief as we understand it? I cannot say…) and then will attempt to find a new mate. Until that time defending the territory will be more difficult and that may be part of why it is calling so much. So be patient and don’t blame yourself for burring the dead bird. The mate had opportunity to investigate the death and no doubt understands that its partner is gone. The fragility of life touches us all

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  20. Brandon

    I recently saw a crow hit by a truck and fall into a busy street. 2 other crows circled just above, and cawed loudly and persistently, apparently trying to wake their friend up so it would leave the dangerous street. When there was a break in traffic, the 2 crows flew down to the wounded crow and pecked at it, hard, cawing the whole time. They pecked so hard that it seemed like they were trying to kill it. More cars came and the 2 perched on a ledge above the street, still cawing. A woman picked up the dying crow by the foot and threw it in a bush, which caused the 2 other crows great alarm. The crows stayed nearby for a long time, cawing loudly the whole time. I waited a while to see if they would again approach the dying crow. They just watched and cawed for about 10 minutes before I had to get going.

    Do crows help each other? Or were they actually trying to finish off the poor guy, as it seemed by how hard they were pecking at it? I would conclude that they were indeed trying to wake it up to get it out of the street, since after the woman moved it they didn’t approach it anymore. But maybe they were just being cautious because it had been touched by a human? Or maybe they just realized that their friend was dead and there was nothing to be done but take in the scene and see what could be learned from the experience?

    • Hi Brandon, that’s a really good question and honestly it could go either way. Crows will kill each other and there’s evidence that they’ll go after injured crows, possibly as a means to prevent a predator from doing so and learning that crows are good targets. On the other hand lacking dexterous appendages their beaks are the primary way they explore a dead/dying body. So perhaps they were trying to the rouse the bird and growing increasingly aggravated when they couldn’t. We see these same behaviors in dolphins and primates too, where in some cases dead bodies are reacted to with increasing violence. It’s curious about how they stopped after the woman touched it. Yes, perhaps they were less interested because they had sufficient experience by that point to know it was dead, or perhaps they were scared off because it was now officially attracting dangerous “scavengers” (people). Really interesting anecdote and something I hope to speak more about (scientifically) in the future.

  21. Hal

    For several seasons there was a crow that I called the papa crow that ID me as harmless. If was working in my yard papa would watch me from a distance and if i was on my lawn tractor it would walk along next to me for a short way. the bird new the tracker and I were churning up food
    I and make bird like but not crow like sounds. Last summer he/she did not return. One hot dry summer I put a few inches of water in a plastic baby pool. Other birds came the crows dominated it. One morning there caws were loud and sounded stressed. I went out to look t the pool and the water was gone and there were lots of bird droppings. I could there chatter as I cleaned the pool and when I was a safe distance away they did there Blue Angels flyover my head and landed next to the pool. Papa crow was not here last summer or this one, I miss that old bird!

  22. Sarah Grusin

    During the west Nile virus time I found a crow gathering in my Virginia backyard of about 20 young crows. Then I realized there was a large crow floundering on my patio, occassionally lifting its wing. The mob stayed until the fallen crow succumbed and then slowly dispersed. It was very mystical as if they were all witnessing the passing.

    • The WNV had devestating impacts on local crow populations. I have no doubt these deaths were quite meaningful to the attending birds. I hope your local crows are seeing better days now

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